Monday, February 26, 2007

moments in SE Asia

i look out and see the countryside - so open and spread out before me...a man is working out his livelihood in the green, green rice fields, a few cows are loitering listlessly about between the palm trees in the distance, a shepherd boy is briskly (but efficiently) encouraging his four-footed friends to find new pastures, and sunlight and shadow play a never-ending game of hide-and-go-seek. yes, life can still be enchanting.

-Feb. 9

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

moments in SE Asia

Remains of the Day cont. we came up (very slowly now) and made our way around Uncle Ho's outstretched corpse, I couldn' t help but pause and take in (with something akin to wonder) what I was seeing - each humbled person, with respect reaching something close to veneration, held their hands together and did obeisance at the glowing glass case before them--the case which (to them) housed the one who brought light to their darkened souls and life to their dead hearts; the one who brought equality where their was oppression and division, equinamity where there was injustice, and hope and salvation within where there was fear and opposition without. However, as important as I feel catching their sentiment is, I digress. The three of us, now slightly more at ease because one of us had made friends with a kind gentleman who relished the opportunity of getting to use his English with foreigners, viewed the body in turn and immediately headed for a taxi, recounting our adventure with amazement over and over again the whole way back to the hotel.

by the way, that priviledged procession of Vietnamese patriots, we found out later, was none other than a group of Park employees taking part in an annual, exclusive viewing of Ho Chi Minh's body...and incredibly enough, three foreigners had the unique opportunity to be a part of it!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

moments in SE Asia

Remains of the Day.

The three of us got up early in the morning and took a taxi into town to view Ho Chi Minh' s body (so strange). They wouldn't let us in at first so we walked around a bit and tried going in by another way. After a few minutes of ambling aimlessly about, we found ourselves walking towards the mausoleum with a large group of suits (we didn't know if they were employees or Party members). As we walked in that private procession, with little confidence that we would actually make it to the deceased dictator's body and every confidence that we would soon be found out and rudely rushed either to the nearest exit or the nearest Vietnam prison, :) the suits looked quizzically at us and we looked innocently (and a bit sheepishly) back at the suits, and amazingly, we moved on. With the rising sun in our faces and curious thoughts in our mind, fully dressed military men with impenetrable stares and impeccably white uniforms guarding the entrance and exits, and the "bearer of light" awaiting us all, we found our way in and up three flights of stairs to where Ho Chi Minh's body lay...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

moments in SE Asia

Dragon Slayers.

went out on a junk boat to Ha Long Bay in Hanoi today...and of the rock formations it has been said, "a dragon flew down from heaven to earth and landed in the Bay." the five of them sailed slowly through those ancient waters, the great dragon lay sleeping beside and before them and, for a moment--in the unutterable stillness--they felt in their hearts the living out of their own epic.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

the Tree of Truth

A Response to Camus' L'Etranger

there is a tree of Truth planted in this world that stands tall and great; its titan trunk supports all of life as it branches out - now reaching up higher than the stretching out wider than the sky. yes, there is in this world a tree called Truth, and down (below the bottom of what we see) beyond the deep, below the bottom of the bottom of all things is the root - and that root is Love.