Thursday, April 27, 2006

"sightseeing" cont.

...I put this before you, the jury, to help decide her fate (although, technically, if its "fate" then it has already been decided.)

fate - an inevitable and often adverse outcome, condition, or end.

Ha, ha! Thank you for sealing my case Mr. Webster. I mean, look at the related synonyms, for crying out loud: Destiny, Lot, Portion, Doom. What else do I need to say?

You know, I almost feel sorry for her. Well, in an objective, principled, sort of way. But when the one who holds the winnowing fan fails to "winnow", what else is there but the white-heat of judgment?

W.P. Scranton

Monday, April 24, 2006

Shanghai sightseeing

Name: W.P. Scranton. Age: Old enough. Occupation: Contemplating the lives of lesser mortals.

Take this man of the world for instance; with his brown suede hat, keen eye, and cosmopolitan air--with more places to go than the number of lines on his light brown suit...Or perhaps this ivory-white goddess; with hair as black as the black sand beaches of the Caribbean. Should she be blamed and punished for the innumerable innocents who have surely perished as a result of all the air being sucked out of rooms as men gasp at her beauty? Yes, she not only should, but she must.

And God said to Beauty
You are my Threshing Floor
The world's wheat is at your feet
To judge but not ignore

Now, I say this, not because she completely ignored my casual comment on the local coffee, nor do I say this because I knew she inwardly took pleasure in it. And I don't even say it because she looked at me as if I was "walking leprosy" when I offered to pay for her $5 drink. I say this because of justice.

*names and places have been ommitted to protect the ignorant :)