Sunday, March 26, 2006

i don't want to live in the clouds...i want to live above them

someday i'm gonna fly this chicken coop

Friday, March 10, 2006

On the Nature of life

because of the somnambulate seed, swelling slightly, and sharing its secret with the earth...because of the fragile, flesh-hearted leaf force-feeling its way into a radiant amber glow...because of the tender, young sapling, stretching itself out with anxious ambition toward the red rising sun...because of the august, ancient cedar; its bitter-sweet smell still lingering in an apathetic afternoon air...because of a litany of little things you can't hold on to, now leaving tired, old limbs...because of the last, lone leaf, hurrying off in the twilight, to find its place of rest with the others...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


why do little children laugh at the littlest things? why do i feel like the sun should be a great big orange that i can eat? why does my heart change from spark to flame when i see her? why can't we turn ourselves inside out? why isn't--why not--why? why do i want to marry the northern lights? what's a chimera? is she a chimera? why is this a question? why can't we take our science class field trip to andromeda? why do shorter wavelengths of light affect my retina as violet? why are you reading this? why are you still reading this? you're still reading. why? :)