Saturday, November 04, 2006

chronicling murmurs

Nothing and nowhere...I find myself sitting and gazing at a row of multicolored flags - all standing sentinel along an unknown city street. I wonder where the wind comes from; where does it begin and where does it end? and what is it about the flag that catches our eye and commands our heart's attention? Like a conquering military train turning heads and a resounding war bugle pricking up ears; what is it about a flying flag as it turns and rolls in the waves of that great, unseen current? do our souls feel the last ripple of some heroic battle from long ago? or are we catching the fading echo of ancient adventure, courage, and daring deed?

Look! the flag is fallen!
Fallen like a soldier on the blood-stained earth.
Who?! who will raise it then?
And hold it high! until our hearts reach heaven;
And hold it long, 'til our mettle meets our worth?


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